Saturday, October 8, 2022

Week 4b - Defining YOUR Target Market

    The target market for the pet supplies business are people with pets but its more than that. There are also the health-conscious customer and pampered pet customers. This pet store is a little pricey but that's because we care about what food is being given to your pet. We have the no corn, wheat, or soy in any of our products. Most of our customers are between the ages of 25 to 50. The ages 25 to 44 is all about spoiling their pets and making sure that the food that they are giving them is nutritious and a species appropriate diet. The customers 45 to 60ish is more concerned about the health issues of their pets and often come in looking for a very specific type of food such as low glycemic or low phosphorus. We do have all ages that come but those are the majority of customers and what they are looking for.

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Week 17: Wrapping it up.

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