Thursday, December 8, 2022

Week 16a: Developing Your Marketing Strategy

 I really like working with Instagram and Facebook. The Business Suite app is amazing and makes it easy to post to your social media sites. I tried a few others like TikTok and LinkedIn. TikTok was just awkward but that is probably my fault. I really did not understand LinkedIn, the more I tried the more confused I got. I will continue using hashtags as they have been a huge help in attracting the right audience to the store page and into the store! I also took out some ads on Facebook and Instagram and noticed a difference in our sales for that week. I will also continue using online advertising because it has made a difference in the number of sales that we get. We now have a small budget for social media advertising and probably use social media a few hours a shift, especially with the holidays here, lots of sales. 

I plan on doing exactly what I have been doing for this class and continue with the social media posts and the online advertising. Maybe I'll even start a blog about the pet food industry. 

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Week 17: Wrapping it up.

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